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Who we are

We​ are the 2021 graduating International Relations class at Western University. For four years we have worked together to explore concepts in History and Political Science to contextualize global affairs in terms of Canada's past, present, and future.


The Honours Specialization in International Relations examines the connections between peoples and states in historical and contemporary contexts. It is an interdisciplinary program between Political Science and History.


The study of international relations prepares students for careers in the field of international relations, including international development, international law, foreign affairs reporting, and the foreign service.

What we do

This website is the Western University's International Relations class of 2021 capstone assignment. 


Our project provides eight examples of wide-ranging historical case studies that provide insights into our contemporary context. We focus equally on emerging crises, such as the climate crisis or the Coronavirus pandemic, as well as structural, ongoing crises, including the persistent legacy of colonialism and barriers to the achievement of international human rights. Through this historical examination, we develop recommendations that focus on building a future that is more resilient for both Canada and the world.

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